Beyond Survival: Assessing Performance & Navigating the Path to Sustainable Organizational Success

2 min read

Beyond Survival: Assessing Performance & Navigating the Path to Sustainable Organizational Success

Building a long-term, sustainable business is hard – really hard – and consequentially, most businesses fail. Leaders miss key signs, their employees guard information, they focus on the wrong performance metrics, and lack the diligence around consistent accountability and measurement. Mac Van Wielingen has seen this in his years as a private equity manager, witnessing the rise and fall of over 175 businesses. In 2014, this led him to build the Organizational Health and Effectiveness Profile (OHEP) – a comprehensive organizational assessment that would assess fundamentals that were driving performance – everything from vision to leadership. The OHEP emerged as a critical tool used annually by transformative companies to benchmark progress and come as close to predicting future performance as possible.

Leveraging its founders’ experience with Mac, Monark now guides companies year after year in their use of the OHEP, tracking trends and helping leaders identify early signals. Used by private and public companies ranging from 25 to 2,000 employees, the OHEP is a forward-looking assessment designed to capture a 360-degree view of an organization.

As one of the leading voices on organizational health in the energy industry and with over 750,000 data points collected over the last 9 years, for the first time ever, Monark is honouring our category leaders in Energy and Financial Services, and will be delivering key insights and trends in organizational behavior.  Join us to learn what the strongest performing companies are paying attention to, and what is top of mind for employees over the last year.

What To Expect:

  • In this rare appearance, Canadian business visionary, Order of Canada recipient, and original OHEP Founder, Mac Van Wielingen, will unveil the driving force and motivations behind the OHEP, as well as share key insights that drive long-term organizational performance
  • Monark’s Chief Science Officer, Dr. Amanda Julian, will review and share the latest organizational behavior research and trends
  • Monark’s CEO Kelsey Hahn, will present exclusive benchmark data and 2023 performance insights from the OHEP
  • And lastly, we’ll honour the standout performers in the Energy and Financial Services categories in 2023

If you are a C-suite or HR leader, particularly in the energy, utilities or manufacturing sector, this is a can’t miss event and opportunity to start 2024 with the leading perspectives and employee trends.

Date: Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Time: 10:00 – 11:00 am MST

Location: Zoom Webinar

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